This artwork explores the complicated relationship between people and religion. Embracing the cross symbolises respect and the inner struggles a person may have. For Arjan, religion is a personal choice. It is something you can choose to hold on to or let go of. He believes religion is part of the public domain and therefore cannot be owned by one person or group.

SEGREGATION as digital art

This artwork was seen for the first time at PARATISSIMA in Torino, Italy from 31st October untill 5th of November 2023 during the Exposition IL POTERE, organised by Alina Art Foundation.

In this digital composition, Arjan Spannenburg has created a space of tranquility that seamlessly blends with the rhythm of the accompanying music. Within this serene ambiance, the visual narrative reflects the volatility of our thoughts, which often surface in our minds only to be quickly disrupted by outside influences. The sentences in the video can be interpreted as questions, but also as statements or pieces of incomplete sentences. With that, they may be fragments of larger ideas, just like the thoughts that sometimes come to us.

SEGREGATION delves into the complicated position of religions and reflects Spannenburg's internal dialogue about its role in society. It is an exploration, a series of musings on the meaning and complex interplay between belief systems and human existence.The journey leads us to profound questions where we hardly have time to think about them, just like the delusion of the day.

For Arjan Spannenburg, it is a nuanced examination of religion, its place in our lives and its assumptions that often condemn its existence. The ultimate conclusion remains elusive, as does the ongoing dialogue within ourselves.This work is an invitation - a call to pause, to reflect and to participate in the deeper reflection to which religion should lead. In this introspective process, we may find the answers we seek or perhaps more questions that invite us to explore further.

This digital artwork was seen for the first time at PARATISSIMA in Torino, Italy from 31st October untill 5th of November 2023 during the Exposition IL POTERE, organised by Alina Art Foundation.